Hello, lovelies! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to start kick-start 2024 full of energy and intention. It’s almost January: the perfect time to set my ambitions for the upcoming year.
I already know that I won’t have much time during the first half of the year, since my day job is busy, and my orchestra will have a full schedule with two big concerts and tons of rehearsals. After the summer, however, I plan to be more protective of my free time so I can work on my writing.
So, without further ado: here are my goals for 2024!
Query Rebel Prince
This year I will dive back into the query trenches with the enhanced query package of my first novel, Rebel Prince. I plan to start querying in February. By the end of the year, I hope to have queried an additional 50 agents. This comes down to approx. five queries per month. May the odds be ever in my favor (again).
Complete two revision rounds for project Black Captain
As I’ve mentioned in several of my previous posts, I’ve completed a first draft of my second novel: Black Captain. I’m currently in the midst of a very messy structural revision, which I hope to complete in the first half of 2024. After the summer, I hope to start another round of revisions to prepare the manuscript for my beta readers.
Outline Project X
Summer break will be dedicated to outlining my super-secret YA romance! Ideas a brewing, and simmering, and doing ALL THE THINGS that ideas do when they live inside a writer’s mind.
Get over My Fear of Creating a Newsletter
I flaked, last year. I got scared. My self-doubt-demons won, and I didn’t create my newsletter. This year, I will avenge myself! I plan on beating my demons and conquering my fears! There will be a first newsletter in 2024—mark my words!
Read 35 Books
In 2024, I won’t try to limit myself to reading only in my genre (YA fantasy). Last year, the “one genre only” approach was a bit of a buzzkill—it turned reading into a chore that had to be done. This didn’t really work for me; I even stopped reading for a while.
This year, I don’t want to put any pressure on something that should be fun and relaxing. So, I’m keeping things chill for this year: I want to read at least 35 books in whatever genre I please! Bring on the book recs!